Matthew has studied, researched as well as presented and published on Plasma Skin Resurfacing in Rejuvenating Facial Skin. He subsequently was awarded the ALMS Prize for best paper at The 25th Annual Meeting of the ALMS in Florida.
Matthew has undertaken over 150 Sentinel Lymph node biopsies for head and neck Melanoma. Undoubtedly, this is arguably the largest UK series for a single surgeon and we have not had a single patient relapse within the head and neck (100% correct sampling rate).
Presented at the BAHNO meeting 2015, Matthew has also published on the role of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for ear melanoma. He also presented his head and neck data to the Melanoma Focus spotlight meeting, Cambridge 2018 (spotlight on SLNB)
In addition to his other work, Matthew has researched on margins needed for complete removal of SCC. This paper showed specifically that our peripheral excision rate in Oxford was subsequently 99.53% with the international standard being 95%. Matthew has further published on long term SCC survival, in short this is the second largest world wide series on SCC.
Matthew was subsequently awarded a Huntarian Professorship in 2005 by the Royal College of Surgeons (England) for his research into developing artificial skin. Matthew is presently a clinical supervisor into bioengineering projects at the Oxford Institute of Bio-Medical Engineering.
His present projects include artificial skin research as well as research into making constructs for replacing large parts of the head and neck following extensive cancer excision. He has published and presented nationally and internationally in this field.